Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Prophecy for Today: "What Hath God Wrought!"

What Hath GOD Wrought!
By: George Nielsen, August 3, 2012

  Numbers 23.23b and 24a
according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God wrought! 24Behold, the people shall rise up as a great lion, and lift up himself as a young lion   [KJV]
This prophecy that was spoken about God’s Chosen People, Israel, still is the destiny that God has for His children today – the sons and daughters of God who have Come to Jesus, and are led by the Spirit.

In our time of prayer, we can speak this word from Numbers 23, claiming it as our prophetic destiny: 
it shall be said of those who are united with God’s Vision, “What hath God wrought !”
   In other words, it will be said “Look at what amazing things God has accomplished through His people.” 

And what will be one of the keys to this?    The Scripture says “Behold, the people shall rise up”.   This is step Number One:
o       the end of ‘casual’ Christianity, with its inward-focused,  Sunday-mornings-only, mentality that has a negligible impact on anything outside the Church’s buildings.
o       Those Christians that do rise up, becoming part of what has been termed “the Triumphant Reserve”, will find their calling, find new associations or connections to join together with, and will act.   Saying this, using military language, would be to say the Triumphant reservists have been mobilized, and are being deployed on-mission.    
o       The reservists will take action because they have internalized the word St. Paul the Apostle spoke to the Philippian church – that they would work out their salvation, and that God, in them, is doing His work (see Philippians 2: 12-13).

Another key to this is taken from the repetition of the metaphor of the lion in verse 24.   The great lion, gifted and anointed by God, is able to do great things.  
o       Jesus commanded us to do great things, the things that He had done Himself, while He ministered here on the earth, and even greater things (see John 14:12).   And I always follow up, when mentioning John 14:12, with the statement – He wasn’t just ‘kidding around’. Jesus said this, the night before He was crucified, so His disciples would know they could do what He did, in hands-on ministry for people.
o       The great lion will also “lift up himself as a young lion”.   The fulfillment of the meaning of the young lion metaphor will be two-fold.   
¨      First the Triumphant reservist will lift up himself in the sense of re-invigorating himself both physically and spiritually.   So, he or she will have energy and stamina, and the activity level more like their younger days.  Also, he or she will be more active prophetically, seeing the vision that God has for them.   Finally, the reservist will be growing in faith, because they are becoming more locked-in and focused on their own devotional life (remembering “their first love”), and they are faithfully following their spiritual disciplines.
¨      Second, and even more importantly, the Triumphant reservist is committed to being a mentor to young Christians, “Millennial’s” in their teens and twenties.  Furthermore, reservists are especially focused on supporting the development of our youngest generation, “the iGeneration” – children born after the year 2000, basically preschool-age through sixth grade, so that they become the young lions.    The reservist focuses both on their own grandchildren, or children in this age group, and also all the other iGeneration kids they can minister to.    This is being fruitful and multiplying.     The goal is that by the time they are sixth graders, the kids are committed, warrior sons and daughters of God, ready to be mobilized and minister in their giftings as they go into junior high school, among their young teen peers.  
Receive, in your own spirit, this prophecy, as being “yours,” for today.     Pray, with thanksgiving to God for His strengthening you, to be a great lion.   This is “calling things that be not, as though they are” – a positive declaration of God’s Word.   That’s what this word was when it was spoken back in the ancient land of Moab by Balaam, declaring God’s intended outcome for the children of Israel – in advance of it actually happening.

Use the phrase from verse 23 as your “battle cry”.   God is the Source, but you are His force, the Triumphant reserve.   What hath God wrought!      

George Nielsen is an ordained minister in the Christian Church and Churches of Christ.  He is a teacher and evangelist with Faith Hope and Love Christian Ministries, of Springfield Illinois and teaches in the Children’s Christian Education ministry at Rochester Christian Church.   He is a member of the United States Reformation Prayer Network (USRPN) and is affiliated with Mountain Alliance of Illinois.   He is a US Army veteran and retiree.

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